Home > Available Help Files > Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM) > CMM Supported Interfaces > Manual CMM Interface > Examples of Configurations
Current Help File: PC-DMIS MIIM (View Core Help)
The ENC7360 card is not supported in x64.
Manual CMM in 7480 Card Support Configurations
(A) - PC-DMIS (pcdlrn.exe)
(B) - ManualCMM.dll renamed as interfac.dll. It must match PC-DMIS
(C) - TCP/IP
(D) - GmServer.exe
(E) - TCP port 1360
(F) - ENC7480.DLL
(G) - 7480 Card (Hardware)
(J) - GMSENC7480.xml
Manual CMM in Simulation
(A) - PC-DMIS (pcdlrn.exe)
(B) - ManualCMM.dll renamed as interfac.dll. It must match PC-DMIS
(C) - TCP/IP
(D) - GmServer.exe, independent of PC-DMIS
(E) - TCP Port 1360
(F) - GmsSimulator.dll. It must match GmServer.exe
(I) - GmsSimulator.xml