SMX Aiming Tab

Machine Options dialog box - Aiming tab

Motors On - Engages the horizontal and vertical tracker head motors in order to allow manual tracker head movement.

Motors Off - Releases the horizontal and vertical tracker head motors in order to stop manual tracker head movement.

Tracker Pad -

Control buttons (Left, Up, Right, Down) - Moves the laser in the respective direction. When you click a control button once, the tracker slowly begins to move until you click Stop. Each successive click causes the tracker to move more quickly in that direction. The black box in the middle of these buttons flashes with a green indicator when the reflector settles.

Move Distance - Provides the approximate distance at which the laser will search for the reflector when you click Search. Moving the associated slider to the right increases the Move Distance value and moving it to the left decreases the value.

Search Diameter - Provides the diameter for the search area at the approximate Move Distance when you click Search. Moving the associated slider to the right increases the Search Diameter value and moving it to the left decreases the value.

Take Hit - Measures a stationary hit (same as Ctrl+H) at the current location of the reflector.