EditWindow: Dimension Tolerances

PC-DMIS has an option to show only the dimensions that lie within the percentage of the tolerance zone. This allows you to exclude out of tolerance dimensions from the report. The tolerance percentages are editable, allowing one percentage for unilateral tolerances and an upper and lower percentage for bilateral tolerances.

The tolerance zone can be considered as a range between 0 and 100 percent (similar to how dimension colors are applied to tolerance zone regions or how the colored bar graphs are drawn at the end of dimensions). Dimensions that have deviations outside the tolerance zone will either be less than zero or greater than one hundred percent.

For a bilateral dimension (like distance, which has both a plus and minus tolerance), the zero deviations are somewhere in the middle. If the tolerances are equal, the zero deviations will be at the fifty percent position.

For a unilateral dimension (like roundness, which only has a plus tolerance), the zero deviations are at zero percent, and out of tolerance is anything larger than one hundred percent.



