
During Auto feature creation, PC-DMIS takes properties from the Measurement Strategy Editor (MSE) if it detects a probe type change or a program mode (Manual / DCC) change. With these entries, PC-DMIS can tell if the probe type or probe mode changed, even if you exit PC-DMIS. This means the software no longer always takes the properties from the MSE.

These entries keep track of the last program mode used to create the Auto feature. This helps PC-DMIS know if it should take the properties from the MSE or from the entry values.

This topic represents many entries where <Type> is the feature type. These are for tactile features. The entries store the program mode PC-DMIS was in for that feature type. These entries let PC-DMIS know where to get the properties from during future feature creations:

Entry Names:

LastInjectedMode_Angle Point, LastInjectedMode_Circle, LastInjectedMode_Cone,

LastInjectedMode_Corner Point, LastInjectedMode_Edge Point, LastInjectedMode_Ellipse,

LastInjectedMode_Flush and Gap, LastInjectedMode_High Point, LastInjectedMode_Line,

LastInjectedMode_Notch Slot, LastInjectedMode_Plane, LastInjectedMode_Polygon,

LastInjectedMode_Round Slot, LastInjectedMode_Square Slot, LastInjectedMode_Surface Point,

LastInjectedMode_Vector Point

Entry Type: Integer value of -1 (default), 0, or 1.

-1 = This means the mode is not set.

0 = DCC mode

1 = Manual mode