Light0_Enabled, Light1_Enabled, Light2_Enabled, Light3_Enabled

This entry determines whether the light source is on or off for the four possible light sources (0 - 3). For each light source, there are four lighting specifications that can be set (see Related Topics below). The light is enabled when the value is set to 1 (TRUE).

Entry Name: Light0_Enabled, Light1_Enabled, Light2_Enabled, Light3_Enabled

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies TRUE (1) or FALSE (0). The default value is 1 for light 0. The default value is 0 for lights 1 - 3.

Related Topics:

Light0Ambient, Light1Ambient, Light2Ambient, Light3Ambient

Light0_Diffuse, Light1_Diffuse, Light2_Diffuse, Light3_Diffuse

Light0_Position, Light1_Position, Light2_Position, Light3_Position

Light0_Specular, Light1_Specular, Light2_Specular, Light3_Specular