MoveAccuracy_(LSPX1C, LSPX1H, LSPX1M, LSPX1S, LSPX3, LSPX5, SP25, SP600, SP80)

The value for this setting is a parameter which you can use for the listed probe types. For details on this setting, see the general version of this setting ("MoveAccuracy").

Entry Name: MoveAccuracy_(LSPX1C,LSPX1H,LSPX1M,LSPX1S,LSPX3,LSPX5,SP25,SP600,SP80)

Entry Type: Real Number specified in MM. The default values for each probe type are listed below.

List of Default Values

Probe Type Default Value
LSPX1C 0.1
LSPX1H 0.1
LSPX1M 0.1
LSPX1S 0.1
LSPX3 0.1
LSPX5 0.1
SP25 0.1
SP600 0.1
SP80 0.1

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