
This determines how Feature Control Frame (FCF) dimensions are named when imported into the XSTATS11.tmp statistics file. This does not affect Legacy dimensions.

Entry Name: StatisticFCFNamingConvention

Entry Type: Whole number that can be one of these values. The default value is 0.

0 - Appends the dimension name onto the feature name. If multiple axes of the same name exist, this adds (x) onto the dimension name, where (x) is an incremented number.

1 - Does not append the dimension name onto the feature name. If multiple axes of the same name exist, this adds (x) onto the dimension name, where (x) is an incremented number.

2 - Does not append the dimension name onto the feature name. This adds (x) onto the dimension name, where (x) is an incremented number; but it only does this if the Use dimension name option is selected from the DataPage variable name area of the Statistics Options dialog box, meaning the statistics are imported by dimension name.

3 - Does not append the dimension name onto the feature name. Does not append an incremented number onto the dimension name.

8 - Only removes the "(START PT)" and "(END PT)" strings.

9 - This does the same thing as 1, and also removes the "(START PT)" and "(END PT)" strings.

10 - This does the same thing as 2, and also removes the "(START PT)" and "(END PT)" strings.

11 - This does the same thing as 3, and also removes the "(START PT)" and "(END PT)" strings.