Completing the General Feature Parameters Group for a Contour Feature

You can use the options in the General feature parameters group to define the general parameters for a Contour feature. The available options depend on the type that you select in the Type of measurement area:

Type of measurement area

This area does not appear for the BD feature, which supports only the optical measurement type.

The following graphics show the options for each feature.

BA, BM, and BN Features

Tactile measurement options

Optical measurement options

BD Feature

Optical measurement options

BF Feature

Tactile measurement options

Optical measurement options

BH and BP Features

Tactile measurement options

Optical measurement options

BK Feature

Tactile measurement options

Optical measurement options


The following table describes the options.

For descriptions of the icons that appear in this group, see "Using the Icons".



Naming Rules area

Type list: Select the type of naming rule:

  • None: PC-DMIS naming rule

  • VW: Volkswagen naming rule

Counter box: Type the four-number feature counter.

The following options appear when you select the VW type:

  • Assembly ID box: Type the 3-letter ID of the assembly.

  • Meas type list: Select the measurement type:

  • M: Serial measurement (Messpunkt)

  • F: Functional measurement (Funktionsmass)

  • B: Sampling inspection (Bemusterungspunkt)

  • Q: Report measurement (Q_Berichtsmass)

  • Alignment list: Select the alignment:

  • _: Vehicle Coordinate System (RPS-Ausrichtung)

  • Z: Relative (Bezug zu einem anderem Messelement)

  • A: Local alignment A (lokales Ausrichtsystem A)

  • B: Local alignment B (lokales Ausrichtsystem B)

  • R: Alignment type R

Other area

Set list: Select the name of the group of elements.

Thickness box: Type the thickness to be applied as an actual value to the surface or edge values of the feature.

Thickness toggle list: Select the thickness toggle:

  • NONE: No thickness is applied, even if you enter a thickness value.

  • ACTUAL: The thickness is applied.

Safe distance list: Type or select the distance move before and after the measurement.

Avoidance move list: Indicate when to apply an avoidance move:

  • NONE (no avoidance move)

  • BOTH (both before and after the feature is measured)

  • BEFORE (only before the feature is measured)

  • AFTER (only after the feature is measured)

Symmetrical check box: If this element also exists on the other side of the car, select this check box.

Distances area

PPP1 box: Type the distance for the first preliminary probing point.

DP1 box: Type the distance for the first desired point.

PPP2 box: Type the distance for the second preliminary probing point.

DP2 box: Type the distance for the second desired point.

Shank measurement area

One point is measured with a shank. The shank measurement options are available when six or more active shank tips are available in the probe file. If these options are disabled, ensure that you have the correct probe mounted.

Select the type of shank measurement:

  • By tip number option: Select this option if you have created a probe with two styli on one mount point. One stylus represents the ball, and the other stylus represents the shank. The tip number for the ball is between 1 and 5. The tip number for the shank is the tip number for the ball, plus 5. The ESF command changes the tip number when a point is measured with the shank. For example, it changes 1 to 6, 2 to 7, 3 to 8, 4 to 9, and 5 to 10.

  • By offset option: Select this option if you want to measure a point along the shank direction and then construct an offset point to get the original measure position.

Immersion depth box: (This is available when the By Offset option is selected.) Type the offset of the measured point along the shank direction.

Relative measurement area

Off option: Select this option if you do not want to use relative measurement.

Single option: Select this option to measure a single feature from the XYZ list. The list appears when you select Single:

Relative measurement area with Single option

Relative measurement area with Single option

Multiple option: Select this option to measure multiple features (one for each axis) from the X, Y, and Z lists. These lists appear when you select Multiple:

Relative measurement area with Multiple option

Relative measurement area with Multiple option

Optical parameter area

Pointcloud list: Select the pointcloud from which you want to extract the feature.

Diameter box: ESF constructs a sphere with this diameter around the nominal position and filters out any points that are outside of this sphere.

Max. deviation box: Type the maximum deviation between two points in the COP. If there are two points with a higher deviation, the extraction fails.

Max. distance box: Type the maximum distance between two points in the COP. If there are two points with a higher distance, the extraction fails.

Avg. distance box: Type the average distance between two points in the COP. If the average distance is higher, the extraction fails.

Force computation check box: If you select this check box, ESF tries to extract the feature even if you do not complete the other parameters in this area.


Completing the CAD Selection Group

Completing the Feature Definition Group