CAD View

Sample CAD View showing the vision probe's field of view

The CAD tab (also called the "CAD View" throughout this documentation) is the standard view of the part. It works the same way as in the standard PC-DMIS software. For in-depth information on the CAD tab, see the "The Graphic Display Window" topic in the "Navigating the Interface" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

The green rectangular region is the "field of view" (FOV). The FOV represents the view through the video camera. The center of the field of view has a crosshair. On a machine supporting DCC motion, you can click and drag this crosshair to move the FOV to a new location on the part:

Moving the FOV

On a machine supporting DCC optics changing, you can also resize (magnify or shrink) the FOV by dragging the corners of the green box. This changes the current magnification:

Sizing the FOV