Ring Light Illumination Values

The process for editing the Ring Light Illumination values is more involved than a Top or Bottom light. Additional controls are provided for Ring lights.

Changing the Ring Light Intensity – Select the required bulbs to change the intensity of any lamp. Move the slider bar or type a percentage value in the % box to change the intensity of the active segments.

Absolute and Relative Controls – For Ring lamps, it is also possible to choose whether an increase or decrease of the bulb intensity should keep their relative differences (RELATIVE) or should set them all to the same value (ABSOLUTE).

Switching a Lamp or Bulb On or Off – Right-click on the selected bulb or bulbs to toggle their on or off state. When a bulb is switched off, there is no intensity value displayed inside that bulb. When a bulb is switched on, it's current intensity is displayed. It is then shaded to represent that intensity.

Click the Apply button to save the updated illumination values.