Step 4: Edit the Vision Tip

Once you have created a vision tip, select Edit from the Probe Utilities dialog box to edit the probe data for the selected tip. Default values are provided according to the defined probe. This opens the Edit Probe Data dialog box.

Edit Probe Data dialog box for vision tips

You can edit or view the following values for your vision tip as needed according to the defined vision probe:

Tip ID - This field displays the Tip ID for the selected probe.

DMIS Label - This box displays the DMIS label. When importing DMIS files, PC-DMIS uses this value to identify any SNSDEF statement inside the imported DMIS file.

XYZ Center - This box displays the center of the focal point of the camera. This is updated by the "Calibrate Probe Offset", so that the camera and touch probe are in the same reference system.

Shank IJK - These three values provide the optical vector for the direction that the optical lens is pointing.

Lens Mag - This box displays the magnification of the defined probe lens.

Camera ID - This box allows you to provide an ID for your camera.

CCD Pixel Size - This box displays the pixel size PC-DMIS uses to evaluate the image data. Smaller values indicate a higher resolution for image capturing.

Min FOV - This value allows you to adjust the minimum allowable field of view size.

Max FOV - This value allows you to adjust the maximum allowable field of view size.

Min NA - This value allows you to provide the minimum allowable numerical aperture.

Max NA - This value allows you to provide the maximum allowable numerical aperture.

The NA is commonly printed on microscope objective lenses. The software uses this to estimate the appropriate focus ranges. The undefined value is -1.

CCD Width - This value provides the width of the video frame of your optical device.

CCD Height - This value provides the height of the video frame of your optical device.

CCD Center X - This value provides the optical center along the X axis for the video frame.

CCD Center Y - This value provides the optical center along the Y axis for the video frame.

PC-DMIS uses and updates the CCD Width, Height, and Center XY values when it calibrates the optical center of your vision probe. See "Calibrate Optical Center".

CCD Gutter (TBLR) - These values provide the number of top (T) and bottom (B) rows and the left (L) and right (R) columns (in pixels) around the edge of the camera image that should be avoided during calibration and measurement. Some cameras show "dead pixels" in this area.

Calibration Date - This box displays the calibration date of your vision tip.

Calibration Time - This box displays the calibration time of your vision tip.

Focus Area

Up Delay - This box displays the approximate time delay in seconds for focus motion to start and stabilize when focus motion is positive or up.

Latency - This box displays the average time in seconds between when PC-DMIS records the stage position and the video frame data.

Down Delay - This box displays the approximate time delay in seconds for focus motion to start and stabilize when focus motion is negative or down.

Frames/Second - This box displays the measured frames per second during focus.

Depth - This is a table of the field of view X dimension size and the corresponding depth of field factor.

Nickname - This box displays the user-defined name given to the tip.

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