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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : OldBasic Object
OldBasic Object Members
Public Methods
This function is used to add the initial point, end point, and other boundary points in the case of patch scans. It should be called for each boundary point to be added. It should not be called more than num_bnd_pnts times (as specified in the call to StartScan).
Adds a feature. This function is used for constructed features only. The parameters off1, off2, and off3 are only used in the case of offset points, planes, or lines.

This function is used in conjunction with the iterate alignment command.

This function is used in conjunction with the iterate alignment command.

Adds a rotation feature. This function is used in conjunction with the iterate alignment command

Return the arc cosine of x in degrees.

Returns the arc sine of x in degrees.

Creates a best fit 2d alignment
Creates a best fit 3d alignment
Creates a probe calibration command
Turns On/Off Catching of CMM motion errors
Creates a check distance object
Creates a clearplane settings object
Closes the port opened with the OpenCommConnection command.
Turns on or off 132 column mode.
Creates a measurement routine comment object
Generates and returns an Id based on measurement routine generation settings

This command is used only for location and true position dimensions. If present, the default dimension axes are created. Calls to SetNoms with other axes passed as the dtype parameter will have no effect if this command is used.

This command is used within a Startfeature - EndFeature block and is used to cause the hits specified in the hits parameter of the StartFeature command to be automatically generated.

Creates a DimFormat command

This function must be called to end an alignment block.

EndDim takes no parameters, but must be called to finish off the dimension block.

This function ends a measured, constructed, or auto feature block. It must always be present as the last function call in a feature block.

Use this command to release the memory allocated for use by the StartGetFeatPoint and GetFeatPoint commands.

Call this when all of the other scan functions needed have been called.

The scan object is inserted in the command list with a call to this function.

Creates Equate alignment object

This function must only be called after a call to BestFit2D, BestFit3D, or Iterate

This function was added for the tutor translator, and should be used with caution.
Creates Gap Only Dimension Object
Get dimension data from dimension specified by ID

Returns the number of features that are out of tolerance at the time that this command is executed.

Gets feature data from command with specified ID
Returns id of indexed feature
This function is called after a call to StartGetFeatPoint to retrieve the actual points.
Returns feature type (ie. Circle, Line, Point...)
Returns 1 if a PH9 is available
Returns the current probe offsets
Returns the current probe radius.
Returns the status of the application setting option
Returns the value of the application setting
Returns the top machine speed of the CMM.
Returns the type of the object.
The units of the current measurement routine.
Used in feature block to add a hit to an object
Sets recalculation of nominals mode
Creates Iterative Alignment Command
Creates Level Alignment Command
Creates Load Probe Command
Returns maximum, minimum, or average information for command of specified id
Creates DCC / Manual Mode Command
Creates Move (Probe or Rotary Table) Command
Creates Move Speed Command
Opens a connection to the specified comm port.
Creates Prehit Distance Command
Creates Probe Compensation Command
Puts feature data into the command specified by the ID
Reads characters from the comm port specified.
Creates Recall Alignment Command for External Alignments
Creates Recall Alignment Command for Internal Alignments
Creates a Retract Distance Command
Creates a Retrolinear Only Dimension Command
Creates a Rotate Alignment Command
Creates a Circular Rotation Alignment Command
Creates a Rotational Offset Command
Returns roundness information for command of specified ID
Returns runout information for command of specified ID
Creates a Save Alignment Command
Sets Auto Feature Parameters inside StartFeature Block
Sets Auto Vector Components (used inside StartFeature Block)
Set nominal values for dimension (used inside StartDimension Block)
Sets application printing options
Sets application program option
Sets application program value
Sets application reporting settings
Sets Relative Measure mode to Relative or Absolute
Sets scan hit parameters (used in StartScan block)
Sets hit vector components of scan (used in StartScan block)
Sets scan parameters (used in StartScan block)
Sets vector components of scan (used in StartScan block)
Turns on/turns off slave mode (subsequent objects are slave object/master objects)
Sets theoretical values for feature (used in StartFeature block)
Shows or Hides the probe readouts window
Pauses execution for the specified number of seconds after the previous feature has finished executing.
Starts Alignment block and sets alignment parameters
Starts Dimension block and sets dimension parameters
Starts Feature block and sets feature parameters
This function is used to retrieve the hit or input data from constructed, measured, and auto features, as well as the hit data for scans. To retrieve the actual points, subsequent calls to GetFeatPoint must be made. When all of the needed point values have been retrieved, a call to EndGetFeatPoint must be made to free the memory allocated for  the points.
Starts Scan block and sets sets scan parameters
Creates Stats On/Off command
Returns straitness information for command of specified ID
The tip to load.
Creates touch speed command
Creates trace field command
Creates translation alignment command
Creates a translation offset command

Waits until all preceding commands have been executed. The basic script creates commands and places them on the execute list more rapidly than the commands are executed. In a script it is often useful to pop up a dialog box for input after a certain series of commands has been executed. The script commands may complete long before the actual commands have been executed. The Wait command is useful to prevent the dialog box from popping up prematurely.

Creates a workplane object or gets the current workplane
Writes characters to the specified comm port.
Public Properties
Read Only: Returns Application object
Read Only: Returns the PartProgram object
See Also