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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
This string is the full pathway pointing to the .xml file to import.
ImportXML Method


This imports a measurement routine in an XML format into the current measurement routine.

Visual Basic
Public Sub ImportXML( _
   ByVal FileName As String _
This string is the full pathway pointing to the .xml file to import.
Private Sub CmdImportXML_Click()
     ' These blocks of commands define the objects for use
    Dim App As PCDLRN.Application
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    App.Visible = True
    MsgBox "This is an example of importing an exported measurement routine XML file. Click OK, when you have a measurement routine open.", vbInformation, "XML Operations - Import"
    Dim Part As PartProgram
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    'Exporting the measurement routine
    Part.ExportToXML "d:\temp\exported_part_program.xml"
    MsgBox "The XML file has been imported into the measurement routine."
End Sub
See Also