To Modify an Existing Dialog Box:

This procedure assumes you have already pasted some sort of dialog box code from the clipboard into the Basic Script Editor, as described in the "To Create a New Dialog Box:" topic.

  1. Access the Basic Script Editor inside PC-DMIS.

  2. Select the dialog box code and press CTRL + C to copy it to the clipboard. The dialog box code begins with Begin Dialog and ends with End Dialog.

  3. Select Edit | Dialog Editor. The MasQ Enable Dialog Designer appears.

  4. From the dialog designer's menu bar, select File | Load Dialog from clipboard.

  5. Use the dialog designer to further modify your dialog box.

  6. When you have finished modifying your dialog box, select File | Put Dialog on Clipboard. This sends the code for the dialog box to the Clipboard.

  7. Select File | Close Dialog Designer.

  8. Access the Basic Script Editor inside PC-DMIS.

  9. Press CTRL + V to paste the code from the clipboard into the Basic Script Editor.

  10. Modify the code as needed.