Inserting Snapshots

The SNAPSHOT command displays screen captures of the part in your report.

To access the Snapshot dialog box, select Insert | Report Command | Snapshot or from the Graphic Modes toolbar, click the Insert Snapshot button (Insert Snapshot).

Snapshot Dialog Box

Snapshot dialog box

Type Snapshot name to save - This box lets you type the snapshot name.

Snapshot View - This list lets you select CAD or OVC for the snapshot view.

Live - This button toggles Live Mode On and Off.

OK - This button inserts a SNAPSHOT command with that name in the Edit window. When this command is marked and executed, PC-DMIS automatically refreshes the screen capture and displays it in the report.

In the Edit window in Command mode, you can also manually type SNAPSHOT and press Tab. When you press Tab, PC-DMIS stores the properties for the state of the Graphic Display window in the command. During execution, PC-DMIS inserts the capture into the report the moment the software executes the command.

Command line in the Edit window:

TOG1 = This field holds the name of the snapshot.

Differences from the DISPLAY/METAFILE Command

The SNAPSHOT command provides better screen captures than the DISPLAY/METAFILE command. While the snapshot functionality is similar to DISPLAY/METAFILE, it has these differences:

Default Snapshot Names

If you don't type a snapshot name, the default names follow this pattern SNAPSHOT1, SNAPSHOT2, SNAPSHOT3... and so on.

If you first select a CAD model view from the list on the CAD Setup toolbar and then access the Snapshot dialog box, the default pattern follows the name of the current model view.

Suppose you have a CAD model view with the name of Right to show the right side of your part. If you select Right from the list and then access the Snapshot dialog box, the snapshot name shows to "Right1". If you do it again, the next snapshot name shows "Right2", and so on.

Inserting a Snapshot Command

  1. In the Graphic Display window, pan, zoom, and rotate your part to the way you want it.

  2. From the Graphic Modes toolbar, click Insert Snapshot (Insert Snapshot) to show a Snapshot dialog box.

  3. In the Snapshot dialog box, type a name for the screen capture, select a view, and set the Live mode.

  4. Click OK to insert the SNAPSHOT command at the selected spot in the Edit window.

  5. If PC-DMIS cannot insert at the current position, it shows a message box that asks how you want to handle the insertion. You can choose one of these three items on the message box:

Viewing the Snapshot in the Graphic Display Window

  1. Select the SNAPSHOT command in the Edit window.

  2. Press Ctrl + E to execute only that command. This shows the snapshot in the Graphic Display widow.

Updating a Snapshot Command from the Graphic Display Window

  1. From the Edit window, select the SNAPSHOT command you want to update.

  2. Press F9 to open its Snapshot dialog box. The Graphic Display window loads the view stored in the snapshot.

  3. In the Graphic Display window, pan, zoom, and rotate your part to the way you want it for the updated snapshot.

  4. If you like, modify the name.

  5. Click OK to update that snapshot with the new Graphic Display window properties.

Updating a Snapshot Command from Your Report

  1. Execute the routine and then select View | Report Window to access the report in the Report window.

  2. From the Report window, double-click on the snapshot image to convert it into a CADReportObject (CRO).

  3. Pan, zoom, and rotate on the part model in the CRO to modify it. For information on working with the CRO, see "CadReportObject" in the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.

  4. Double-click outside of the CRO to accept your CRO changes to the report. PC-DMIS applies these same CRO changes to your SNAPSHOT command in the Edit window. Subsequent executions of that command use the updated SNAPSHOT command.

Adding Snapshots into Custom Reports

  1. In the Report window, edit a custom report, or create a new custom Report. (For information on custom reports, see "Creating Custom Reports" in the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.)

  2. From the Edit window in Summary mode, select the snapshot command you want in your report.

  3. Drag and drop it into the custom report to see the screen capture.

Deleting Referenced Commands

Any command in the Edit window that creates a visible element in the Graphic Display window (such as a Dimension Info box) is considered a referenced command by the snapshot command. This means that the snapshot command needs that referenced command to create its screen capture. Snapshot commands cannot reference commands that don't exist. Therefore, if you delete any of these referenced commands, PC-DMIS asks if you want to also delete the associated snapshot commands.