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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : BasicScan Object
BasicScan Object Members
Public Methods
Adds a control point to a scan.
This method creates a basic scan object.
Generates the points for the scan
Gets the boundary condition parameters
Returns the boundary point specified by the index
Returns the control point specified by the index.
Gets parameters used in filtering of scan data
Gets parameters for the hit type used in the scan
Returns T deviation values for specified scansion hit
Gets the scan method parameters
This method is provided as a shortcut to getting these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
Gets the parameters used in finding of scan nominals
This method is provided as a shortcut to getting commonly used scan parameters all at once.
Removes a control point.
Boolean value. Boolean returns true if the function succeeds, false if it fails.
Sets a boundary point.
Sets a control point at the specified index.
This method is provided as a shortcut to set these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
This method is provided as a shortcut to set these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
This method is provided as a shortcut to set these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
This method is provided as a shortcut to set these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
This method is provided as a shortcut to set these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
This method is provided as a shortcut to set these commonly used scan parameters all at once.
Public Properties

Determines whether auto clearance planes mode is on or off.

Represents the boundary condition type.

Represents the boundary condition axis vector. This vector is used as the axis of the Cylindrical and Conical BoundaryConditions.

Represents the boundary condition center. This Point is used by all Boundary Conditions and is the location of the Boundary Condition.

Represents the boundary condition end approach vector. This vector is used by all Boundary Conditions and is the Approach Vector of the Probe as it crosses the Boundary condition.

Represents the boundary condition plane vector. This vector is the normal vector of the Plane used by the Plane and OldStyle Boundary Conditions.

Indicates the number of boundary points to used in a patch scan.

Determines whether hits of the scan are displayed in the Edit window or not.

Represents the filter type.
Represents the type of hit to use.
Represents the method type for this scan.

Represents the method’s cut plane vector.

Represents the scan’s end point.

Represents the method’s end touch vector.

Represents the method’s initial direction vector.

Represents the initial Surface Vector for the Edge method.

Represents the method’s initial touch vector.

Represents the scan’s start point.
Represents how to determine the nominal values for this scan.
Represents mode of operation of the scan.

Determines whether single point mode is on or off.


See Also