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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > CadModel Object : HighlightElement Method

Required case-sensitive String that indicates the CAD element to highlight.

Boolean value that indicates whether or not all CAD elements of that have Name should be highlighted. If set to TRUE then all elements with Name are selected. If set to FALSE, then only the first item in the list that has Name is selected.
HighlightElement Method

This method highlights the specified CAD element (or elements) on the CAD model in the Graphics Display window.

Visual Basic
Public Function HighlightElement( _
   ByVal Name As String, _
   ByVal All As Boolean _
) As Boolean

Required case-sensitive String that indicates the CAD element to highlight.

Boolean value that indicates whether or not all CAD elements of that have Name should be highlighted. If set to TRUE then all elements with Name are selected. If set to FALSE, then only the first item in the list that has Name is selected.
Return Type
Boolean value. Boolean returns true if the function succeeds in highlighting the specified CAD element, false if it fails.


Copy Code
' Sample Code:
Dim App As PCDLRN.Application
Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Dim Parts As PCDLRN.PartPrograms
Set Parts = App.PartPrograms
Dim Part As PCDLRN.PartProgram
Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
Dim CADMod As PCDLRN.CadModel
Set CADMod = Part.CadModel
Dim strElement As String
Dim boolYesNo As Boolean
strElement = InputBox("Type the CAD element to highlight", "Highlight CAD")
boolYesNo = MsgBox("Select all?", vbYesNo, "Select All")
If CADMod.HighlightElement(strElement, boolYesNo) = False Then
    MsgBox "Element: " & strElement & " couldn't be highlighted", vbCritical, "No CAD Highlighted"
        MsgBox "Success. Element: " & strElement & " was highlighted", vbOKOnly, "CAD Highlighted"
End If
See Also