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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
Required Variant that indicates which Machine object to return. It can be either a Long or a String. If it is a Long, it is the index number of the Machine object in the Machines collection. If it is a String, it is the ID of the Machine object.
Item Method
This returns a specific Machine object from a list of machines.
Visual Basic
Public Function Item( _
   ByVal NameorNum As Variant _
) As Machine
Required Variant that indicates which Machine object to return. It can be either a Long or a String. If it is a Long, it is the index number of the Machine object in the Machines collection. If it is a String, it is the ID of the Machine object.
Return Type

There may be several machines named "OFFLINE". To avoid possible confusion with off-line machines, use the index number with these machines. Since the Item method is the default, the function name can be omitted.

See Also