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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : ReportWindow Object
ReportWindow Object Members
Public Methods
This method switches the report window to Full Report Mode.
Generates a status report for a range of commands
Generates a status report for a range of commands
Generates a status report for a range of commands
Returns the name of the custom report name associated with the index value.
This method switches the report window to Last Execution Report Mode.
This method loads the specified custom report into the Report window.
This method loads the specified report template into the Report window.
This method prints the contents of the Report window.
This method reloads the report data into the report template, thereby refreshing the contents of the Report window.

This method sets the current report as the default report for the measurement routine.

Public Properties
This property represents the read-only PC-DMIS Application object. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects.
This read-only property returns the full directory pathway to the Custom Report or Report Template used in the Report window.
This read-only property returns the number of Custom Reports defined for the current measurement routine.
Read/Write: Returns/Sets height of report window
Read/Write: Returns/Sets left coordinate of report window
Returns a collection of Page objects (one Page object for each page making up the report) as a Pages object.
This returns the parent PartProgram object.
Read/Write: Returns/Sets top coordinate of report window

This returns or sets the visibility state of the Report window.

Read/Write: Returns/Sets width of report window
See Also