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PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
Required Variant that indicates which Section object to remove. It can be either a Long or a String. If it is a Long, it is the index number of the Section object in the Sections collection. If it is a String, it is the ID, or name, of the Section object.
Remove Method

This method removes or deletes the Section object identified by the NameOrNum parameter.

Visual Basic
Public Function Remove( _
   ByVal NameOrNumber As Variant _
) As Boolean
Required Variant that indicates which Section object to remove. It can be either a Long or a String. If it is a Long, it is the index number of the Section object in the Sections collection. If it is a String, it is the ID, or name, of the Section object.
Return Type
Boolean value that determines whether or not the specified section was removed. If True then the section was removed. If False then the section either remained or didn't exist in the first place.
See Also