Example - Dialog Function

' This sample shows all of the dialog controls on one dialog and how to
' vary the response based on which PushButton was pressed.
Sub Main ()
    Dim MyList$(2)
    MyList(0) = "Banana"
    MyList(1) = "Orange"
    MyList(2) = "Apple"
    Begin Dialog DialogName1 60, 60, 240, 184, "Test Dialog"
        Text 10, 10, 28, 12, "Name:"
        TextBox 40, 10,50, 12, .joe
        ListBox 102, 10, 108, 16, MyList$(), .MyList1
        ComboBox 42, 30, 108, 42, MyList$(), .Combo1
        DropListBox 42, 76, 108, 36, MyList$(), .DropList1$
        OptionGroup .grp1
        OptionButton 42, 100, 48, 12, "Option&1"
        OptionButton 42, 110, 48, 12, "Option&2"
        OptionGroup .grp2
        OptionButton 42, 136, 48, 12, "Option&3"
        OptionButton 42, 146, 48, 12, "Option&4"
        GroupBox 132, 125, 70, 36, "Group"
        CheckBox 142, 100, 48, 12, "Check&A", .Check1
        CheckBox 142, 110, 48, 12, "Check&B", .Check2
        CheckBox 142, 136, 48, 12, "Check&C", .Check3
        CheckBox 142, 146, 48, 12, "Check&D", .Check4
        CancelButton 42, 168, 40, 12
        OKButton 90, 168, 40, 12
        PushButton 140, 168, 40, 12, "&Push Me 1"
        PushButton 190, 168, 40, 12, "Push &Me 2"
    End Dialog
    Dim Dlg1 As DialogName1
    Dlg1.joe = "Def String"
    Dlg1.MyList1 = 1
    Dlg1.Combo1 = "Kiwi"
    Dlg1.DropList1 = 2
    Dlg1.grp2 = 1
    ' Dialog returns -1 for OK, 0 for Cancel, button # for PushButtons
    button = Dialog( Dlg1 )
    'MsgBox "button: " & button 'uncomment for button return vale
    If button = 0 Then Exit Sub
    MsgBox "TextBox: "& Dlg1.joe
    MsgBox "ListBox: " & Dlg1.MyList1
    MsgBox Dlg1.Combo1
    MsgBox Dlg1.DropList1
    MsgBox "grp1: " & Dlg1.grp1
    MsgBox "grp2: " & Dlg1.grp2
    Begin Dialog DialogName2 60, 60, 160, 60, "Test Dialog 2"
        Text 10, 10, 28, 12, "Name:"
        TextBox 42, 10, 108, 12, .fred
        OkButton 42, 44, 40, 12
    End Dialog
    If button = 2 Then
        Dim Dlg2 As DialogName2
        Dialog Dlg2
        MsgBox Dlg2.fred
    ElseIf button = 1 Then
        Dialog Dlg1
        MsgBox Dlg1.Combo1
    End If
End Sub