Paste With Pattern - Curve Procedure

To create a curve pattern with one or more edge segments, follow this procedure:

  1. Define the Auto feature, features, and other commands that you want to paste, and then copy them to the Clipboard. If you want to copy and paste one or more Auto features and want to use a predefined clearance plane, make sure that you have set CLEARPLANE=ON inside the Auto features you are copying.

  2. Choose Edit | Pattern to open the Pattern Setup dialog box.

  3. Access the Curve tab and type the desired Step value in the current measurement routine units (mm or inch).

  4. Keep the dialog box open and then hover your pointer over the first segment. It turns yellow.

  5. Click on that segment to select it. The selected segment turns pink.

Example - Adding a Segment

Example of an added segment (pink) and a new segment to add (yellow)

  1. If you want to select multiple segments, hold down Ctrl before each additional click on segments that you want to add.

  2. If you make a mistake and want to remove the last segment (or if PC-DMIS interprets the vectors incorrectly), press Ctrl and hover your pointer over the last-selected segment. When it turns red, click on that segment again to remove it. You can then re-select the segment and select a different segment.

Example - Deleting a Segment

Example of a segment to delete (red)

  1. Mark Apply "Paste With Pattern" on OK.

  2. Click OK to store the definition and to paste the defined pattern.


This first image shows a paste with pattern of a single auto edge point feature pasted around the top surface of the Hexagon demo block at a step value of 2 mm. With the dialog box open, PC-DMIS shows blue and green arrows for the surface and edge vectors of each point. The pink lines and curves indicate the selected edges:

Curve Example - With vector arrows

When you click OK to accept the pasted pattern and hide the feature labels, the above example, results in hundreds of generated point commands equally spaced along the selected edges: