To Customize the Marked Set Icons

Marked sets can have user defined bitmap images, if desired, in place of the default graphics. To apply a user bitmap,

  1. Create a color bitmap using the Paint application that comes with Windows or some other image editor program of your choice. The bitmap should not be larger than 48 x 48 pixels in size.

  2. Save the bitmap file in the same directory as the measurement routine. The bitmap filenames must use the following naming convention in order to be recognized by PC-DMIS:

MARKST00.BMP for the first marked set

MARKST01.BMP for the second marked set

MARKST02.BMP for the third marked set

MARKST30.BMP for the thirty-first marked set

If the bitmap file MARKST00.BMP is placed in the measurement routine directory when the first marked set is created, the bitmap image contained in MARKST00.BMP will be displayed. If a marked set does not have a bitmap file the default graphics will be used. Also, it is not necessary to use consecutive bitmaps. In other words, you can use a bitmap for marked set 1 and marked set 5, but use the default graphics for marked sets 2, 3 and 4.