Creating Quick Start Measured Features

  1. From the Quick Start toolbar, select the Measure toolbar. For details, see the "Using the Quick Start Interface" chapter.

  2. Click the icon of the feature to measure. The top-left icon in the dialog box changes to display the features that PC-DMIS measures in this procedure. Instructions appear on the status bar.

  3. With PC-DMIS in Offline mode, click the Program Mode icon on the Graphic Modes toolbar (for details, see "Graphic Modes Toolbar"). PC-DMIS draws a simulated depiction of the probe near the part in the Graphic Display window.

  4. With PC-DMIS in Offline mode, right-click to set the depth for the probe. With PC-DMIS in Online mode, move the probe to the desired depth.

  5. Take the minimum number of hits on the part to measure the feature.

  6. Click Finish or press Done on your jog box when the measurement is complete. The Quick Start dialog box remains open. PC-DMIS automatically compensates for the probe radius and places the measured feature on the part in the Graphic Display window.

  7. Follow steps four through six until you create all of the measured features you need.

  8. Click Close when finished. The Quick Start dialog box closes.

As PC-DMIS takes hits and creates the feature, it draws the measured feature on the screen. For 3D measured features (Torus, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, and Plane), PC-DMIS draws the feature with a shaded surface.

Some sample measured features drawn with shaded surfaces

Creating Measured Features from CAD Using Single Click Select Option

The Single Click Select option works with all measured features except Torus and scans. PC-DMIS disables this option internally during Guess Mode. See the note below.

The Single Click Select check box controls how PC-DMIS creates features when you use CAD. If you select the check box, you can now learn a measured feature with a single mouse-click on the CAD model. To do this:

  1. Select the type of feature that you want to create from the Quick Start dialog box's Measure toolbar.

  2. Mark the Single Click Select check box.

  3. Click, with your mouse, on the CAD model near the feature that you want to create. PC-DMIS locates the feature in the CAD model and automatically generates the necessary hits to create the feature. The hit count increases and displays the predefined number of hits for the feature type you chose.

  4. Feature Type

    Number of Hits















    Round Slot


    Square Slot


  1. Once PC-DMIS generates the hits, click Finish to insert the feature into the measurement routine.

  2. Single Click Select and Guess Mode:

    This icon places PC-DMIS into Guess Mode. Single Click Select does not work in Guess Mode even though the check box remains selected. For Guess Mode to function, it attempts to detect the feature type at each successive hit. To maintain consistency with existing functionality, PC-DMIS disables Single Click Select internally if you use Guess Mode. If the Quick Start window is closed, PC-DMIS automatically reverts to the legacy guess mode even if Single Click Select was selected when the Quick Start window was closed. Single Click Select requires you to identify, ahead of time, what feature is being measured. This capability is unique to the Quick Start window.

    An asterisk icon appears in the top-left corner of the Quick Start dialog box to show that the software is in Guess Mode.