Measuring a Line

You can use the Line icon to measure the orientation and linearity of a line belonging to a plane aligned with a reference plane, or a line in space.

To create a measured line, you must take two hits on the part.

Measured Lines and Workplanes

When creating a measured line, PC-DMIS expects the hits for the line to be taken at a vector perpendicular to the current workplane.

For example, if your current workplane is ZPLUS (with a vector 0,0,1), and you have a block-like part, the hits for the measured line must be on a vertical wall of that part, such as the front or side.

If you then wanted to measure a line feature on the top surface of the part, you would need to switch the workplane to XPLUS, XMINUS, YPLUS, or YMINUS, depending on the direction of the line.

For information on how to change the workplane, see the "Settings Toolbar" topic.

For information on the associated Edit window command, see the "Basic Measurement Format for a Line" topic in the "Creating Measured Features" chapter.