Using the Probe Toolbox

The View | Other Windows | Probe Toolbox menu option displays the Probe Toolbox.

Probe Toolbox for a Contact Probe

The Probe Toolbox lets you perform various probe-related manipulations. It presents tabs and information relative to the type of probe currently used. If you use an optical probe or a laser probe, for example, the tabs that appear are different than for contact probes, providing you the functionality of manipulating parameters specific to those probe types.

Most of the tabs in the Probe Toolbox appear when you view the toolbox embedded within the Auto Feature dialog box.

See the documentation sets that apply to your particular configuration for specific information on the Probe Toolbox:

Because the items in the Probe Toolbox are so frequently used when creating Auto features, the Probe Toolbox automatically appears as an embedded portion of the Auto Feature dialog box.


Placing and Sizing the Toolbox