Exec Controls Area

The options in this area on the Execution tab in the scan dialog box (Insert | Scan) aren't used for all scan types. For example, manual scans only use a few of these options.

Execute list - This list lets you determine how PC-DMIS executes a scan after the scan has been learned.

Normal - PC-DMIS executes the scan in its 'normal' manner; it triggers a hit when the probe touches the part.

If a DCC scan is executed, PC-DMIS takes hits at each of the learned locations in stitch scanning mode, storing the newly measured data. The displayed nominals are the same as when the scan was learned and cannot be re-calculated using a different Nominals mode.

Re-learn - PC-DMIS executes the scan as though it is learning it. All learned measured data replaces the new measured data. The nominal is re-calculated depending on the Nominals Mode (see "Nominals Mode"). Re-learn completely ignores the settings in the Path Definition tab and relearns the path as it goes.

If a DCC scan is being re-learned, PC-DMIS relearns the scan from the beginning, instead of taking hits at the learned locations (as it would do in the case of the NORMAL mode).

Defined - PC-DMIS allows the controller to ‘define’ a scan. PC-DMIS gathers all hit locations from the editor and passes them onto the controller for scanning. The controller will then adjust the path allowing the probe to pass through all the points. The data is then reduced according to the increment provided and the new data will replace any old measured data.

When this option is used after Generating the scan Offline, the nominal locations obtained from CAD are used every time to drive the CMM.

This mode is available only when using analog probe heads that can do continuous contact scanning.

The Defined mode with Perimeter scans does not support hole avoidance. Ensure that there aren't any holes in your scan's pathway with this execution mode; if there are, either adjust your Perimeter scan's path or switch to the Normal execution mode.

ClearPlane check box - The ClearPlane check box inserts a CLEARP MOVE a predetermined distance relative to the current coordinate system and part origin before taking the first hit.

After the last point in the scan is measured, the probe stays at probe depth until called to the next feature. Using clearance planes reduces programming time because the need to define intermediate moves is reduced. (See "Parameter Settings: Clearplane Tab" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter for additional information on clearance planes.) This option is only available for DCC scans.

Single Point check box - The Single Point check box considers each hit as a single measured point.

If this option is check marked, PC-DMIS will make each hit a measured point and insert it into the measurement routine. This sequence will happen after the manual scan has been reduced. If the scan is in DCC mode, it takes place after the scan has been learned.

Auto Move check box - The Auto Move check box will let you turn on Auto Moves for each scan. Once selected, you can type the distance for the move in the Auto Move box.


For these scan types PC-DMIS will:


For these scan types, PC-DMIS will:

Probe Comp check box - The Probe Comp check box allows you to determine whether or not PC-DMIS turns on probe compensation for this specific scan.

In most cases you probably don't need to perform this compensation since a scan's FINDNOMS operation automatically does it. However, if you don't have CAD and want to reverse-engineer a part, you should select this check box.

CAD Comp check box - This check box determines whether or not PC-DMIS compensates for each point using the 3D surface vector from the CAD file. If not selected, PC-DMIS uses a 2D cut plane as usual.

This check box becomes available for selection if you select FINDNOMS from the list in the Nominals Method area or if you click on the CAD model in the Graphic Display window.

Inner Bound check box (not shown in image) - This check box allows you to determine whether PC-DMIS will perform an interior or an exterior perimeter scan.

For a description of interior or exterior scans see the "Performing a Perimeter Advanced Scan" topic in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

Use COP check box - This check box determines whether or not the scanned points also get added to an existing Pointcloud (COP) command. If you select this check box, you can type the ID for the COP command into which you want to add the newly scanned points. If the COP command doesn't yet exist, PC-DMIS prompts if it should generate it for you.

For information on COP commands, access the PC-DMIS Laser documentation where this command is discussed.

4-axis scan check box - Select this check box to allow scanning on a rotary table while the table is moving.

No vectors check box - This option is a special function of the Leitz B5 controller used for Technology Server 1.5 with PC-DMIS I++ DME machine interface. The purpose of this function is to find the highest point in the measured scanning trajectory.

For example, let us say you select this option and then run a rotary table scan around the edge of a blade. PC-DMIS will perform the scan without collision when only the points of the trajectory are sent to the controller, and not the surface point vectors of the defined scan.