Using Tracefields

PC-DMIS uses tracefields to send additional information into your statistical database along with your measurement results. A tracefield consists of a name, a message, and a value.

You can use the following items with tracefields:

Trace Field dialog box - You can use this dialog box to insert a TRACEFIELD command in the Edit window. For more information on this dialog box, see "Inserting Tracefields".

Read Trace Value in a Variable - You can use the GETTRACEVALUE() function to get trace values from a variable. For more information on how to read a trace value from a variable, see "GETTRACEVALUE()" under "String Functions" in the "Using Expressions and Variables" chapter.

Q-DAS Tracefields - You can insert Q-DAS tracefields and send K-Field information to your database. For more information on how to insert Q-DAS tracefields, see "Inserting Q-DAS Tracefields".

Trace used in Report Header - This item lets you display the values in the report header. For more information on how to use tracefields in the report header, see "Variables and Headers" under "Displaying a Variable's Value" in the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.