Access Object Methods

Many of the objects support various methods in addition to their properties. You can access these methods from BASIC code via the ObjectCode.method_name syntax. This means you can see what properties and methods are available for any given object by typing the object’s Object Code in the VBS Mini-Editor followed by a period. As soon as the period is typed, a mini wizard pops up showing the available methods and properties for that object.

So if you had a text object named "Text1" and you type "Text1" followed by a period, PC-DMIS shows a list of available methods or properties for a text object.

Variables declared within an event handler function (via the BASIC Dim var_name as var_type syntax) are in scope only during that event handler function. There will likely have situations where you want to declare variables, functions, or subroutines that are accessible from all BASIC code in a template or form—variables with global scope for a particular report. The template and form editors provide a place to make these declarations.


Declare Global Variables Using the LocalVariables Property

Declare/Define Variables, Functions, or Subroutines