Custom Report Generation

To create a new custom report, follow these steps:

  1. Select File | Reporting | New | Custom Report to open the Custom Report Editor and show the Edit window in Summary mode.

  1. Drag items from the Edit window and drop them into the editor.

PC-DMIS automatically uses the labels defined by the current Page object's rule set to display the objects. If you drop an object and it doesn't have an associated label, an Open dialog box appears so that you can choose a label defined for the dropped item.

  1. Add and configure additional objects from the editor's Object Bar as needed.

  2. Position report elements as desired.

  3. Select File | Save to save your report. A dialog box opens to allow you to specify the name of your report.

Another way you can create a new custom report is to use the Reporting toolbar. (For information on the Reporting toolbar, see "Reporting Toolbar".)

  1. From Report window's Reporting toolbar, click the Custom Report Selection dialog button (Custom Report Selection dialog button).

  2. Double-click on Blank Report to create a new blank custom report.

  3. Edit the report as usual.

  4. Click the Edit report button (Edit custom report button) to close edit mode and follow the prompt to save your report.