
AskForQ() = False - This parameter requests the system to return the Q() parameter with the scan data. PC-DMIS does not use the Q() scan data. Set this parameter to True if a given server is "hard-wired" to transmit the Q() scan data.

FilterScanPointsWithQualityTags = "9" - This entry determines when to filter out scan points. If the quality-tag value sent by the controller is greater than or equal to the value of this entry, the scan points are filtered out and not sent to PC-DMIS. Valid values for this entry are the numeric string values "0" - "9". The default value is "9".


If you set this entry to "5", all scan points with a quality-tag greater or equal to 5 are ignored.

If you set this entry to "9", all scan points with a quality-tag greater or equal to 9 are ignored.

Since this entry is a string value, you can define a single filter definition for multiple probe types. For example, if you set this entry to "9 HPO 5 CMS 7 CWS 7", the following occurs:

MaxCommandLength - The system uses this parameter as a check by the ScanOnCurve I++ command (any defined path scan) only. The default value is 65500 (64KB).

NonPlanarCircleScan - This parameter forces PC-DMIS to generate the basic Circle scan (ScanOnCircle) instead of the Plane scan (ScanInPlaneEndIsPlane). The default value is True.

NoScan = False - If this parameter is set to True, it prevents the system from setting up the scan parameters. This is an obsolete parameter.

ScanSpeed = 50 - This parameter establishes a default speed for scanning commands.

ScansWillReportIJK = False - If this parameter is set to True, PC-DMIS prompts to include the IJK values in the scan report.

ScansWillReportR = True - If you set this parameter to True, the system prompts to transmit the effective probe radius back for scans.