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Current Help File: PC-DMIS MIIM (View Core Help)
AltDotChar = "#" - This parameter defines a dot character in a tip nickname. For example, since the dot is not accepted in the field for I++ DME commands (such as the ChangeTool() command), use the "#" character to replace it in a tip nickname.
ForceToolName = True - When this parameter is set to True, the software prompts for the probe change, even if the probe is already selected. Avoid setting this to True when you use a wrist, as the server resets the orientation to 0,0 every time the system calls the main probe name.
NoToolAlig = False - If this parameter is set to True (which is the correct setting for most servers), the system ignores probe aligns sent routinely after probe select.
PHAlignTolerance = 0.0 - The value for this parameter is sent by the AlignTool command when an A/B wrist move is necessary. Set this value based on your probe head and part configuration. If you do not care, set this to 0.0.
PutDotInToolname = True - This parameter places a dot in the probe name sent by ToolChange(). The software places the dot between probe name and tip name; for example: ROBE1.T1A0B0.
PutTipInToolname = True - This parameter places the tip name after the probe name. The result is a composite name for the Probe Change / selection on the server.
UseERforProbeD = False - When this parameter is set to True, the system updates the tip diameter according to the server feedback with each measurement. This was added to follow I++ DME theory, but no server uses it so far.