I++ DME Server Setup

The following options are available in PC-DMIS Settings Editor for the I++ Server, version 3.19a. They are located in the USER_iplusplus section of PC-DMIS Settings Editor. The default values are in bold.

0 - Enumerate both calibrated and uncalibrated tools.

1 - Enumerate only calibrated tools.

8 - Disables systematic scales only tempcomp, which is enabled by default when the server receives StartSession().

32 - Forces manual probe changes even if a probe changer is installed in PC-DMIS.

256 - Disables error when a value has more than 16 digits. See PCD-41820.

512 - Uses Zeiss A/B angles conventions vs. CW-43.

1024 - Prevents PC-DMIS from updating current probe values in PC-DMIS Settings Editor. To set the default values, use I++ServerTools.

2048 - Disables the check for a probe to be a wrist to be alignable (mainly to accept the AlignTool() command). PCD-89395. V3.19

4096 - This value forces the I++ ScanOnCircle command to use the HSSDAT scan.

0 - Probe naming is allowed in the "PROBE.TIP" format. For example: PH9.T1A90B0

1 - Probe naming is allowed in the "NICKNAME" format. In this case, each tip defined in the I++ Server needs to have a nickname associated with it: Probe Utilities\Edit Probe Data\<nickname>

2 - Probe naming is allowed in the "PROBETIP" format. This mode is similar to mode 0, but the probe naming does not contain the dot character (".") For example: PH9T1A90B0

4 - When EnumTools is called, only the A0B0 position of each tip will be returned. This helps for wrists where one new probe is created for each AB position that is required. (This was made for Holos, which uses the index in a list to call a probe.)

You should not use any other values. They are for development only.