Build and Inspect Toolbar

The Build and Inspect Toolbar has buttons to determine how the Build and Inspect modes are used in PC-DMIS Portable.

Inspect / Build mode - By default (Inspect mode), PC-DMIS displays the deviation (T) as Difference = Actual - Nominal.

This option displays the distance and direction that you need to move the measured point to reach the nominal position or Difference = Nominal - Actual

When you move the part into position, PC-DMIS just displays real-time deviations without storing any data (taking hits). After the part is positioned within a reasonable deviation (such as 0.1mm), you would typically take hits to measure the final position of the feature.

Surface Inspection - Applies the Probe Readout settings that are useful for inspecting surfaces/curves.

Point Inspection - Applies the Probe Readout settings that are useful to inspect points.

Distance to Closest Feature - When you enable this option, the distance to the closest feature displays in the Probe Readout.

Show Deviation Arrow - When you enable this option, arrows display in the Graphic Display window according to the inspect mode. The arrows are placed at the probe location in inspect mode (default) or at the measured point during build mode.