Starting with PC-DMIS 2019 R2, PC-DMIS no longer supports the Perceptron laser sensor. While you may still be able to install PC-DMIS 2019 R2 and later, PC-DMIS displays an error if you attempt to run measurement routines that use the Perceptron scanner. For additional information, please contact Technical Support.
You are now ready to start PC-DMIS. After you launch PC-DMIS, open a new measurement routine and follow these steps to complete the configuration:
Press F5 to open the Setup Options dialog box.
Select the Laser tab.
Type the path to the CSGMain.bin file in the Sensor Binary File box. This is normally installed with PC-DMIS into the Perceptron subdirectory of the main PC-DMIS installation. Alternatively, you can use the Browse button to locate this file.
Click OK on the Setup Options dialog box.
To verify that the sensor is working in PC-DMIS, close down PC-DMIS and restart. This ensures that all necessary information is written to the system registry.