Automatic Hit Target - Filter Parameter Set

To change a value, right click the current value for the desired target. If the value is N/A, then that parameter is "Not Applicable" to the current set.

ID - This column displays a unique identifier for the item in the target list. This same ID is used on the tooltip for the target in the Vision tab of the Graphic Display window.

Clean Filter - This column determines whether or not to remove dust and small noise particles from the image prior to edge detection.

Strength (Clean Filter) - Specifies the size (in pixels) of an object, below which is considered to be dirt or noise.

Outlier Filter - This column determines whether or not outlier filtering is required for this target.

When you select YES for Outlier Filter, there are different Filter Parameters available for different feature types.

Filter parameters for all vision feature types except non-legacy Profile 2D

For all but non-legacy Profile 2D feature types, when you select YES from the Outlier Filter list, these options become available:

Distance Threshold (Outlier Filter) - This specifies the distance in pixels that a point can be away from nominal before discarding it.

Std Dev. Threshold (Outlier Filter) - This sets the standard deviation that a point needs to be away from the nominal CAD to determine if it's an outlier.

Filter parameters for the non-legacy Profile 2D vision feature type

For non-legacy vision Profile 2D features, the Outlier Filter has two Filter Type options, YES and NO.

If you select YES, two outlier Filter Type options are available: Nominal Form and Neighbor.

Each option has its own parameters:

Nominal Form - This outlier filter is based on form fitting and is only available for non-legacy versions of vision Profile 2D features programmed from the CAD. This filter fits the measured data to the nominal CAD curve. After fitting, the deviations of each measured point to the nominal CAD are computed. The deviations are used to determine which points, if any, are outliers.

When you select the Nominal Form filter type, the Std Dev. Threshold (Outlier Filter) option is available:

Std Dev. Threshold (Outlier Filter) - This sets the standard deviation that a point needs to be away from the nominal CAD to determine if it's an outlier.

Neighbor - The outlier filter is based on distance and is available only for the non-legacy version of the vision Profile 2D feature.

When you select the Neighbor filter type, these options become available:

Outlier Filter - Provides a drop-down box with two options: YES turns the filter on, NO turns the filter off.

Neighbors - Defines the minimum number of neighbors required to be considered a valid point. If a point has less than the minimum number of neighbors within the distance (defined partially by the next parameter), then the point is an outlier. The default value for this parameter is 2.

Distance Multiplier - This parameter is used to calculate the distance mentioned above. The default value for this parameter is 2.0.

The distance is calculated by multiplying the median distance between neighboring points and the Distance Multiplier. The median distance between neighboring points is calculated from all detected points within a target.

The following are examples using different values for Neighbors and Distance Multiplier.

Example 1: With Neighbors = 2 and Distance Multiplier = 2.0:

Example 2: Same as Example 1 except Neighbors = 3 which causes more outliers (points displayed in red) to be identified:

Example 3: When Neighbors = 1 and Distance Multiplier = 3.0, there are fewer outliers (points displayed in red):