CAD View

Sample CAD View showing the vision probe's field of view

The CAD tab (also called the "CAD View" throughout this PC-DMIS Vision documentation) is the standard view of the part. It works the same way as in the standard PC-DMIS software. For in-depth information on the CAD tab, see the "The Graphic Display Window" topic in the "Navigating the Interface" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

The green rectangular region is the "field of view" (FOV). The FOV represents the view through the video camera. The center of the field of view has a crosshair. On a machine supporting DCC motion, you can click and drag this crosshair to move the FOV to a new location on the part:

Moving the FOV

On a machine supporting DCC optics changing, you can also resize (magnify or shrink) the FOV by dragging the corners of the green box. This changes the current magnification:

Sizing the FOV