Importing a Vision Demo Part

You can import CAD models in various formats and use them to create measurement routines.

Examples in this PC-DMIS Vision documentation that use CAD data, use a version of the vision training demo part. Hexagon offers a more comprehensive Vision training demo part (SKU #H00025491) that you can purchase from the Hexagon store. For details on this or any other available demo part, see the HMI Store - Training Parts.

To import a demo part:

  1. Select the File | Import menu option and then select the correct demo part file type.

  2. From the Open dialog box, locate and select the Vision demo part file, and click Import. If this file came with the PC-DMIS installation, it is normally located in the PC-DMIS install directory.

You can find downloaded purchased demo block files in your Downloads folder.

  1. When the import process finishes, select the CAD View tab in the Graphic Display window to view the imported CAD demo part.