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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : ModalCmd Object
ModalCmd Object Members
Public Properties
Represents the clearance plane of a CLEARANCE_PLANES type object.
Represents the number of digits of a DISPLAYPRECISION type object.
Represents the distance to move for this object.
Read/Write: Distance 2 for Clearance Planes
Read/Write: Manual / DCC Mode
Returns the name of this GET_PROBE_DATA object.
Represents the on/off state of this object.
Returns the parent Command object. Read-only.
Represents the pass-through plane to move for this CLEARANCE_PLANES object.
Represents the current relative measure (or RMEAS) mode.
Represents the speed for this object.
Represents the workplane to move for this SET_WORKPLANE object.
See Also