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PC-DMIS 2023.1 Object Library
Visible Property

This returns or sets the visibility state of the Report window.

Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property Visible As Long
Return Type
Read/write Long value.

To turn the window on or off, give it a True or False value respectively.


Sub Main

Dim App As Object

Dim PartProg As Object

Dim RepWin As Object

Set App = CreateObject("Pcdlrn.Application")

Set PartProg = App.ActivePartProgram

Set RepWin = PartProg.ReportWindow


' Hide Report Window

RepWin.Visible = False

MsgBox "Report window is now hidden."


' Show Report Window

RepWin.Visible = True

MsgBox "Report window is now visible."

End Sub

See Also