You can use the ToleranceCommand object to automate Geometric Tolerances commands inside of PC-DMIS.
This short example shows how to read through and list the features and segments of a Geometric Tolerance command.
Dim DmisApp As Object
Dim DmisPart As Object
Dim Commands As Object
Dim Command As Object
Dim ToleranceCommand As Object
Dim i As Integer
Sub Main
Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram
Set Commands = DmisPart.Commands
For Each Command In Commands
If Command.IsToleranceCommand Then
Set ToleranceCommand = Command.ToleranceCommand
MsgBox ToleranceCommand.ID & " " & ToleranceCommand.SegmentCount & " " & ToleranceCommand.FeatureCount & " " & ToleranceCommand.SpecificationString
For i = 1 To ToleranceCommand.FeatureCount
MsgBox ToleranceCommand.FeatureID(i) & " " & ToleranceCommand.DatumFosId(i)
Next i
Set ToleranceCommand = Nothing
End If
Next Command
Set Commands = Nothing
Set DmisPart = Nothing
Set DmisApp = Nothing
End Sub
The following script reads through the geometric tolerance commands in a PC-DMIS measurement routine and displays the information in message boxes.
Geometric tolerance commands can have up to 5000 features referenced in up to five segments and can also include size information for both considered features and datum features.
The first thing the script does is to list the ID (dimension name), the number of segments, and the number of features.
It then lists all of the size information for all the features and datums.
Next, it loops through all of the datum features associated with each segment.
Finally, it loops through all of the considered features associated with each segment.
Sub Main
Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram
Set Commands = DmisPart.Commands
For Each Command In Commands
If Command.IsToleranceCommand Then
Set tolCmd = Command.ToleranceCommand
MsgBox tolCmd.ID & " " & tolCmd.SegmentCount & " " & tolCmd.FeatureCount & " " & tolCmd.gdtSymbol
For m = 1 To tolCmd.sizeCountCombined
MsgBox tolCmd.sizeText(m)
MsgBox tolCmd.sizeNominal(m) & " " & tolCmd.sizeMeasured(m) & " " & tolCmd.sizePlusTol(m) & " " & tolCmd.sizeMinusTol(m) & " " & tolCmd.sizeDeviation(m) & " " & tolCmd.sizeOutOfTol(m)
Next m
For i = 1 To tolCmd.SegmentCount
For k = 1 To tolCmd.datumSizeCount
MsgBox tolCmd.datumFosId(k)
MsgBox tolCmd.datumFosNominal(k) & " " & tolCmd.datumFosMeasured(k) & " " & tolCmd.datumFosPlusTol(k) & " " & tolCmd.datumFosMinusTol(k) & " " & tolCmd.datumFosDeviation(k) & " " & tolCmd.datumFosOutTol(k)
Next k
For j = 1 To tolCmd.FeatureCount
MsgBox tolCmd.FeatureID(j)
MsgBox tolCmd.segmentDimNominal(i,j) & " " & tolCmd.segmentDimMeasured(i,j) & " " & tolCmd.segmentDimPlusTol(i,j) & " "& tolCmd.segmentDimMinusTol(i,j) & " " & tolCmd.segmentDimDeviation(i,j) & " " & tolCmd.segmentDimMax(i,j) & " " & tolCmd.segmentDimMin(i,j) & " " & tolCmd.segmentDimOutTol(i,j)
Next j
Next i
Set ToleranceCommand = Nothing
End If
Next Command
Set Commands = Nothing
Set DmisPart = Nothing
Set DmisApp = Nothing
End Sub