Example - Print # Statement

This first example loop to create three different files TEST1, TEST2, and TEST3 on your D drive. In each file, it writes two lines of text:

Sub Main()    Dim I, FNum, FName ' Declare variables.    For I = 1 To 3       FNum = FreeFile ' Determine next file number.       FName = "D:\TEST" & FNum       Open FName For Output As FNum ' Open file.       Print #I, "This is test #" & I ' Write string to file.       Print #I, "Here is another ";"line";I    Next I    Close ' Close all files. End Sub

This next example creates TESTFILE.txt on your D drive. It writes four lines of text to the file. Later, it then loops through all the lines of text building up a Msg variable with each subsequent line:

Sub Main()
   Dim FileData, Msg, NL ' Declare variables.
   NL = Chr(10) ' Define newline.
   Dim TESTFILE as String
   Open TESTFILE For Output As #1 ' Open to write file.
   Print #1, "This is a test of the Print # statement."
   Print #1,NL ' Print blank line to file.
   Print #1, "Zone 1", "Zone 2" ' Print in two print zones.
   Print #1, "With no space between" ;"." ' Print two strings together.
   MsgBox "The file " & TESTFILE & "is now created."
   Open TESTFILE for Input As #2 ' Open to read file.
   Do While Not EOF(2)
      Line Input #2, FileData ' Read a line of data.
      Msg = Msg & FileData & NL ' Construct message.
      MsgBox Msg
   Close ' Close all open files.
   Kill TESTFILE ' Remove file from disk.
   MsgBox "The file " & TESTFILE & "is now deleted."
End Sub