Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS BASIC Language > Language Reference A – Z > With Statement > Example - With Statement
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Example - With Statement
' This sample shows some of the features of user defined types and the with
' statement
Type type1
a As Integer
d As Double
s As String
End Type
Type type2
a As String
o As type1
End Type
Dim type1a As type1
Dim type2a As type2
Sub Main ()
With type1a
.a = 65
.d = 3.14
End With
With type2a
.a = "Hello, world"
With .o
.s = "Goodbye"
End With
End With
type1a.s = "YES"
MsgBox type1a.a
MsgBox type1a.d
MsgBox type1a.s
MsgBox type2a.a
MsgBox type2a.o.s
End Sub