Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS BASIC Language > Scripting Language Overview > Quick Reference of Available Functions and Statements > Functions, Statements, Reserved words - Quick Reference
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Basic (View Core Help)
Abs, Access, Alias, And Any
App, AppActivate, Asc, Atn, As
Base, Beep, Begin, Binary, ByVal
Call, Case, ChDir, ChDrive, Choose, Chr, Const, Cos, CurDir,CDbl, CInt, CLng, CSng, CStr, CVar, CVDate,Close, CreateObject
Date, Day, Declare, Dim, Dir, Do...Loop,Dialog,
DateSerial, DateValue, Double
Else, ElseIf, End, EndIf, EOF, Eqv, Erase, Err, Error
Exit, Exp, Explicit
False, FileCopy, FileLen, Fix, For,
For...Next, Format, Function
Get, GetAttr, GoTo, Global, Get Object
Hex, Hour
If...Then...Else...[End If], Imp, Input, InputBox, InStr, Int, Integer, Is, IsEmpty, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsDate
LBound, LCase, Left, Len, Let, LOF,Log, Long, Loop, LTrim Line Input
Mid,Minute, MkDir, Mod, Month, MsgBox
Name, Next, Not, Now
Oct,On, Open, OKButton,Object, Option, Optional, Or, On Error
Print, Print #, Private, Put
Randomize, Rem, ReDim, RmDir, Rnd, Return, Rtrim
Seek, SendKeys, Set, SetAttr, Second, Select, Shell, Sin, Sqr, Stop,Str, Sng, Single, Space, Static, Step, Stop, Str, String, Sub, StringComp
Tan,Text, TextBox, Time, Timer, TimeSerial, TimeVale, Then, Type, Trim, True, To, Type
UBound, UCase, Ucase, Until
Val, Variant, VarType
Write #, While, Weekday, Wend, With