PC-DMIS BASIC Language Overview: Introduction

While PC-DMIS contains a myriad of valuable options and features to aid you in your part measurements, there may be times when you want something highly customized to meet specific needs. Maybe you want the capability to globally change a particular value inside the Edit window; or maybe you want to export statistical data to a specific application. Rather than waiting for an item on your wish list to be coded into a future version of the software, PC-DMIS allows you to create your own scripts in the BASIC programming language and run them inside PC-DMIS. In fact, using PC-DMIS's comprehensive list of automation commands, properties and methods, you can run PC-DMIS entirely from a custom-built third party application.

Cypress Enable

PC-DMIS comes with a Basic Script Editor that uses Cypress Enable Scripting Language, a powerful subset of the BASIC language. If you have a working knowledge of BASIC, the tools given in this documentation will be invaluable in creating your own scripts or even mini-applications that work in conjunction with PC-DMIS.

Documentation Organization

This documentation contains the following chapters: