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Alignment toolbar
With the Alignment toolbar (View | Toolbars | Alignment), you can access the same alignment options that are on the Insert | Alignment submenu.
The following alignment functions are available:
QuickAlign - Creates alignments from the Edit
window with a single click of a toolbar icon. For more information on
the QuickAlign functionality, see the "About
QuickAlign" topic.
New Alignment - Displays the Alignment
Utilities dialog box for creating a new alignment in your measurement
routine. For information on using the Alignment Utilities
dialog box, see the "Description
of the Alignment Utilities Dialog Box" topic.
Save Alignment - Displays the Save
Alignment As dialog box to save the current alignment in an external
file. External alignments can be recalled by a different measurement routine.
For more information on saving alignments, see the "Saving
an Alignment" topic.
Recall Alignment - Recalls an alignment that
was previously created in the current measurement routine (Internal Alignment)
or saved from another measurement routine (External Alignment). For more
information on recalling alignments, see the "Recalling
an Existing Alignment" topic.
Equate Alignment - Changes the position or orientation
of a part, or recovers the alignment when a part has been accidentally
moved. For more information on equating alignments, see the "Equating
an Alignment" topic.
The Leapfrog and Bundle Alignment functions below are only available when connected to a Portable system.
Leapfrog - Displays the Leapfrog
/ Relocation dialog box. This menu option is disabled in Offline
mode. You must be connected to a physical supported portable machine for
the icon to be active. For more information on leapfrog operations, see
the "Performing
a Leapfrog Operation" topic.
Bundle Alignment - Creates a bundle alignment.
Bundle alignments are used mainly in Portable systems for large or complex
measurements to create a number of stations in a common network by moving
the same sensor to different positions around the object. For more information
on bundle alignments, see the "Using
Bundle Alignments" topic in the PC-DMIS Portable documentation.