Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Core Help File > Defining Hardware > Defining Probes > Understanding the Probe Utilities dialog box > Add Angles
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Core
(This item pertains to the Probe Utilities dialog box, accessible through Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe.)
The Add Angles command button is on the Probe Utilities dialog box. This button is available only if the probe head has the capability to rotate in your probe configuration.
Click the Add Angles button to open the Add Angles dialog box.
Add Angles dialog box
The Add Angles dialog box has the following parameters:
New Angle - The list displays four options to add angles:
Single - This option lets you add AB positions one at a time into the New Angles List box.
Multiple - This option lets you add equally-spaced angles.
From CAD - This option is available only if CAD is available in the active measurement routine. This option lets you select the CAD surface and adds recommended angle into the New Angles List box.
From Grid - This option lets you view and select angles with the use of an angle grid.
Add - This button adds the angle into the New Angles List box.
Clear - This button removes the list of angles from the New Angles List box.