Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Laser > Attributes for Laser Measurement
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Laser (View Core Help)
Before you get into the details of non-contact laser sensors, you need to understand their attributes to improve the results that you obtain when you use them for measurement. Laser sensors are excellent at gathering large amounts of data quickly. They are also good for measuring parts that may otherwise deform under the pressure of a tactile probe.
However, keep in mind that other factors, such as sunlight, surface finish, surface reflectivity, and surface color can influence measurements taken with laser sensors. To compensate for some of these factors, you can apply filters to the data to handle the influence. You should understand how and why these items affect the measurement results.
It usually takes time and experience with your particular parts and in your specific environment to determine what settings work best for you. You should experiment with the capabilities of your specific sensor to improve the measurement results.
WARNING: Exercise caution when working with laser sensors as they can damage your eyes. Consult your laser sensor documentation for safety issues and procedures for a safe work environment.