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Pointcloud Operator dialog box - Boolean Operator
The software applies this operation on one or two operators or COP commands that you select.
The Boolean operator works with data from one COP only, or from commands that reference the same COP. Boolean operations between data in different COPs are not allowed.
For example, suppose you have two pointclouds named COP1 and COP2 defined in your measurement routine with different sets of pointcloud data. If you create two COPSELECTION objects from COP1 labeled COPSELECTION1 and COPSELECTION2, you can use the Boolean operator on COP1 and one or both of the COPSELECTION objects since they are all created from the same dataset. However, you cannot use the COP2 object since it is based on a different set of pointcloud data.
PC-DMIS allows you to manually change Boolean command COP references in the Edit window as long as they share the same dataset. If they do not share the same dataset, PC-DMIS changes the reference back to the original reference.
To apply the Boolean operation to a pointcloud, click
Pointcloud Boolean Operation () on the Pointcloud
The Boolean operator uses the following option:
Type - This is a list of Boolean type options. Select a type from the list that you want to apply:
COMPLEMENT - This type generates the points that are not visible in a single-selected command.
UNITE - When applied to the two selected commands, this type generates a set of data points that contains all of the points in those commands.
INTERSECT - This type generates the set of data points that have the same locations in two selected commands.
DIFFERENCE - This type removes from the first selected command all of the points that are common with the second selected command.
Click Create after you edit the command to insert a COP/OPER,BOOLEAN command into the Edit window.
For example: