Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Laser > Clearing Auto Feature Scan Data
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Laser (View Core Help)
PC-DMIS's laser Auto features sometimes store scanned data as an internal pointcloud following their creation. This occurs if the Pointcloud parameter on the Laser Scan Properties tab is set to Disabled.
Two menu items exist to clear out this internal data based on your needs. Located under the Operations | Laser Autofeatures sub menu, these menu items remove the internal data, thereby helping to reduce measurement routine size:
Clear All Scan Data Now - When you select this check box, PC-DMIS immediately deletes all the internal pointclouds from all the laser Auto features in the measurement routine.
Clear All Scan Data after Execution - When you select this check box, any time you execute a measurement routine that has a laser Auto feature, PC-DMIS deletes its internal pointcloud data following execution. By default, this menu item is unmarked.
This only operates on internal pointclouds from Auto features. It does not affect COP commands in the measurement routine.